Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

The Pre-History of West Sumatra

Archaeological evidence which were discovered ¬ found, giving an indication that the areas around the regency which occupies most of the Fifty luhak Koto is an area or areas inhabited by the Minangkabau who first ancestors of people of West Sumatra.

Archaeological evidence found, giving an indication that the areas around the regency which occupies most of the Fifty luhak Koto is an area or areas inhabited by the Minangkabau who first ancestors of people of West Sumatra. This interpretation seemed reasonable, because of the Fifty-Koto is running several large rivers that eventually empties into the east coast of Sumatra island. These rivers are navigable and has become an important means of transportation from ancient times until the end of last century.
Ancestors of the Minangkabau people suspected of coming through this route. They sailed from mainland Asia (Indochina) sailed the South China Sea, crossing the Straits of Malacca and then go up a river Kampar, Siak, and Inderagiri (or; Kuantan). Some of them live and develop their culture and civilization around District 50 Koto now.
Mixing with the newcomers in subsequent periods cause the level of their culture to be changed and their numbers so increased. The location of their settlements became increasingly narrow and eventually they spread to various other parts of West Sumatra. Some went to the Agam regency and partly down to Tanah Datar now. From here the deployment continued, there are up to the northern regions Agam, especially to areas Lubuk Sikaping, Rao, and Ophir. Many of them spread to the west, especially to coastal areas and not a few others that spread to the south, the area of ​​Solok, Selayo, around the estuary, and surrounding areas Sijunjung. (From: Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

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